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The Importance of Personal Accountability

Someone needs to hear this today, and it might be you! I've got a big dose of motivation for you in this posting, and it's centered around responsibility and accountability … to YOURSELF! It also touches upon the power of taking imperfect action.

So, if you're the kind of guy who drops his own self-care routine when someone around you has needs, requires attention, or things get super busy or stressful, then read up. This might be useful to you (and, you're certainly not alone).

The very fact that people are counting on you should be enough to remind you to prioritize your health and well-being. Pay close attention and set some clear boundaries because being your personal best requires your full consideration. 24/7!

In fact, you are missing the point if you think you can perform at your peak without prioritizing your personal care regimen.

But before I get more in-depth, let me ask; do you feel like you're always starting over? Or, waiting to get started? Or … maybe there are a few things that have to happen before you get started next week, next month, or next year?

Maybe every time you "get started," something manages to sneak in and sideline your efforts?

It could be your family, your career, or something as simple as having some high (but empty) calorie food stored in your fridge or pantry that you can't bear to get rid of. So, you'll wait till you've eaten it all before you get back "on-track" with your nutrition.

Perhaps it's busywork. The kind of stuff that "seems" productive, but in the end leaves you feeling like you've got no time or energy for anything! Does that sound familiar!? I get it, though... I've been there before, too.

But on a serious note … this needs to change.

In fact, you should make friends with that little voice in your head urging you to work out or make healthier choices! Ignore it and you'll only be doing yourself wrong.

Wouldn't that be a total shame?

The fact is that life requires us all to take action and continue taking action, if we ever want to accomplish anything truly worthwhile. And, that goes for our health and fitness goals, too.

Taking action doesn't require anything fancier than a simple decision to get things done NOW. It's going one step beyond making time for healthier eating and workouts or whatever changes you want to make … and then actually DOING IT.

Once started, keep building on your progress … every day! Make it a non-negotiable. Even over the holiday season. Even when your schedule gets busy.

It doesn't have to turn into a big event. You don't need a massive plan to do this, or even a new pair of sneakers before you get started.

You just take perfectly imperfect action toward improving your health, well-being, and personal goals … every single day! Make healthier choices that align with your vision … and adapt them as you progress!

Over time, you will accumulate enough progress that momentum will practically pull you forward. In the long run; "automatic" yet decisive action in the right direction will have you feeling energized, happier, lighter, and stronger.

Not only will these positive attributes benefit you personally, but they will benefit everyone who depends on you, too … That makes it a win-win, right?

Again, forget about perfection. It's not at all about perfection (especially over the holidays) … it's about taking ACTION!

I'd love to know what you're going to do today to move you forward towards your goals?! Are you hitting the gym today? Packing your lunch for tomorrow, or for the rest of the week?! Let me know in a comment below!

I hope you found this personal "mojo" post helpful. If you did, please don't forget to share it on your social media accounts. Remember; sharing is caring. ;-)

As always, if you need help or have any questions, reach out at any time.

Until next time, make it an incredible day, own your age, love your life, and keep moving toward a better you!

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